Middleware News Brief

Middleware News Brief (MNB) features news and technical information about Open Source middleware technologies.

Converting a RESTful Webservice to OpenDDS: Security

In this article, OpenDDS team member, Justin Wilson, compares the JSON Web Token (JWT) method of securing web applications to DDS Security.

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Bridging OpenDDS® and MQTT Messaging

DDS and MQTT are similar enough that it's possible to bridge them; this article covers how you can take advantage of this interoperability.

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Reading Data Dynamically with OpenDDS DynamicData

In this article, OpenDDS team member, Son Dinh, explores the capabilities of DDS XTypes and its implementation in OpenDDS applications and demonstrates how the DynamicData and DynamicType interfaces enable developers to build applications that work without schema-specific code generation.

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Converting a RESTful Webservice to OpenDDS

In this article, OpenDDS team member, Justin Wilson, demonstrates how to overcome certain REST limitations by translating a RESTful webservice to an OpenDDS application.

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Using Wireshark to Monitor and Debug OpenDDS Systems

Like all network-based communication, DDS systems can be monitored and debugged using Wireshark. In this SETT article, you'll learn how to use Wireshark to analyze OpenDDS-based systems in action, either to debug them or just to see if there's room for improvement in the QoS settings.

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Logging Samples as JSON in OpenDDS Applications

Logging is a necessary feature for distributed applications. This article presents a generic approach to intercepting relevant events and samples and serializing them for logging and storage.

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Using OpenDDS in a .NET Application with OpenDDSharp

This middleware-focused SETT article demonstrates how to use OpenDDSharp to add DDS publish-subscribe communications to your .NET applications.

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OMG DDS for eXtremely Resource-Constrained Environments (DDS-XRCE)

Learn how to address complex integration challenges with the OMG specification, DDS for eXtremely Resource Constrained Environments (DDS-XRCE).

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Interoperable Internet-Enabled DDS Applications

Several challenges currently make it difficult to use DDS for IIoT applications. This article presents a solution that effectively alleviates two of these challenges.

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Bringing Multicast to the Cloud for Interoperable DDS Applications

In this article, we address the challenge of running OpenDDS in a cloud environment where DDS discovery protocols are inhibited due to a lack of multicast.

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